Mobility Scooter Driving Tips

Driving a mobility scooter is a lot like driving a car in some ways. Both require you to know – and follow – the rules of the road and practice safe driving. Here are our top mobility scooter driving tips to keep you and those around you safe when driving.

1. Never Forget the Speed Limit

The speed limit is one of the most important rules of the road. Most Class 3 mobility scooters have a maximum speed of 8MPH, but you should only drive that fast if you are on the road. If you are travelling on the pavement or another off-road surface, then you need to stick to the limit of 4MPH when driving. That might not sound like a whole lot, but it’s quite fast compared to the average walking speed of 3MPH. You’ll likely be the fastest thing on the sidewalk and could hurt someone if you crash into them.

Driving at a slower speed when on the pavement means you have more control over the vehicle and reduces the risk of accidents to yourself and those around you. Some scooters come with an option to set a restricted maximum speed to prevent yourself from accidentally driving too fast. The dealer who sold you the scooter should be able to tell you if it has this feature or not.

2. Watch Out for Kerbs

Always ask the dealer about the maximum kerb height for your scooter when buying one if the dealer doesn’t disclose this information themselves. Always be mindful of that distance and slow down when approaching, mounting, and dismounting the kerb or pavement. It’s better to use dropped kerbs whenever possible to reduce the risk of accident and injury.

If you aren’t sure what the maximum kerb height for your vehicle is, then talk to your dealer or check the manufacturer’s guide that came with the scooter. You should also be able to find this information on the manufacturer’s website.

3. When Driving on the Road

If you own a Class 3 scooter and want to take it onto the road, then be sure to stick to the rules of the road and follow the scooter highway code so you don’t get into trouble. Keep in mind;

Only a Class 3 scooter equipped with front and rear lights, a horn, and indicators is allowed on the road
Scooters and powered wheelchairs are not permitted to drive in bus lanes or cycle lanes
You must follow all road signs including signals and traffic lights
Ensure that you and your scooter stay visible – you should consider wearing bright and reflective clothing to stand out more

Final Thoughts

Riding a scooter opens a lot of doors for disabled people. These scooters give people back their freedom and independence. Even so, you should always remember that they are vehicles and need to be handled as such. Take care when riding your scooter to avoid accidents and injuries. Follow the rules of the road as if you were driving a car.

Mary Calvert
Mary Calvert

Mary has been an active civil rights campaigner since the early 90's. She shares her knowledge and expertise in the role of editor for a handful of websites.

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