Which Mobility Scooter is Right For You?

The most significant consideration when buying a mobility scooter is where you will ride it. It would be best to choose a scooter that can handle the space limitations and terrain you need to use it on. Here are some questions and points to consider when determining which mobility scooter is right for you.
Are Mobility Scooters Allowed on the Pavement?
An outdoor mobility scooter tends to be bigger with four wheels for better stability. Some mobility scooters are made to be driven on pavements and have a 4MPH max speed to accommodate that. Think about the terrain for longer distances if you plan on taking big journeys. Will you face curbs and slopes? If so, you will need a mobility scooter with tough wheels and extra power for an extra push. A Class 2 scooter is a good option for people driving on pavements. Class 2 scooters are lighter and could be the ideal choice for people who can reach their destination by riding on the pavement. You can also use your mobility scooter in large shopping centres and other shopping areas.
Mobility Scooters and the Road
Some mobility scooters are made to be used on the road as well as the pavement. Scooters can be used on the road so long as they can go up to 8MPH. Road-friendly scooters must be able to drive at faster speeds, and they tend to be bigger than the average Class 2 scooter. The heavier scooters used for road travel are Class 3 mobility scooters with a maximum speed of 8MPH. This means that you can’t use your scooter on the road with a minimum speed limit, such as a dual carriageway or motorway. Mobility scooters for road use need specific features, including front and rear lights, a rear-view mirror, indicators, hazard lights, a horn, and brakes.
Can You Take a Mobility Scooter on the Bus?
You want to be sure the mobility scooter you choose has the power to go the distance you need. Otherwise, you could be relying on public transport to get you – and your scooter – where you need to be. Unfortunately, not every mobility scooter is suited for use on a bus. You should consider getting a collapsible scooter if you think you will need to use the bus with your scooter. However, it is worth taking the time to talk to your primary bus provider and learn about getting a permit to use your scooter on the bus. You will have to complete a training course to prove that you can safely drive your scooter off and on the bus. The weight of the scooter can also be an essential factor, as buses have weight limits. You should also be able to lift the scooter or travel with someone who can lift it for you. Talking about buses and mobility scooters is the ideal time to address taking a mobility scooter on a train; similar rules apply. You should contact the train service provider ahead of time and see what rules they have for their service.
Can Mobility Scooters Be Used in the Rain?
Take care when using a mobility scooter in the rain. Drive slower to avoid getting in an accident. If you get caught out in heavy rain, then try to keep the scooter undercover until the weather improves to keep it dry. You should only use a mobility scooter in the rain if the rain is light to moderate, and only if the scooter has the proper waterproof protection on the controls. The good news is that you are concerned about how waterproof your mobility scooter is, you can buy accessories to make it safer to drive in the rain. These accessories also prevent water damage to your mobility scooter. Seat covers, waterproof bags, waterproof capes, and splash covers can all be purchased to keep both you and your scooter dry. If you use your scooter in the rain, make sure that you clean and dry it when you get home. Don’t forget to charge it in a safe and dry place between trips to prevent further damage.